IT Blox - as a complete package for the modern enterprise

Software Engineering
Software architecture and powerful backend are key to success and longevity
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Mobile & App Development
Benefit from the know-how of our app agency for your IT projects.
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IT Recruitment
Qualitative recruiting made in Germany. Find the right talent with our talent pool.
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Solution Engineering
Customized IT solutions for special tasks.
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Data Engineering & Analytics
Organize, structure, store, analyze and evaluate the flood of data.
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Who are we?

IT-Blox is a modern information technology and development company that provides scalable and customized IT solutions.

It applies knowledge from design, data engineering, mobile development and data science to bring businesses up to date.

Thanks to our professional and experienced team, we get every task done.

What do we stand for?

Agile Software Development

IT Blox is your powerful, partner for various types of IT projects. We actively develop web and mobile applications, apps and more. 

First class advice

We support you in all project phases – full service from a single source, cost-transparent, fast, cost-effective.

Our technologies and methods are so innovative that their success is practically pre-programmed.

We are looking forward to cooperation and new challenges!

Innovative technologies

Innovative technologies are the key to growth, prosperity, employment and quality of life.

For this reason, our developers depend on always being at the cutting edge of technology.

What are our areas of development?

Software Development

Customized, modern & clean development. We develop different components that are necessary for a qualitative software.

Mobile & App Development

We develop solutions for smartphones, tablets, AR and VR, no matter which platform. 

IT Recruitment

A successful company is characterized only by the management staff, but also by the excellent employees. We support you in the acquisition of specialists.

Solution Engineering

Our trained solution team will develop custom software for you to meet the specific needs of your business. During development, our team is always available for you. 

Data Engineering &
Data Analytics

We develop customized data paths that automate, tame, analyze and process their flood of information.

So that they can make even better decisions as a company in the future. 

Contact & Standort

Please feel free to visit us at our office by appointment. You can also reach us by telephone during the business hours indicated.